We are a an independent fellowship of believers who are faithful to the written Word of God and it's teachings while striving to be compassionate, as God is, toward those who long to be in fellowship with Him, both inside and outside of the church. As such we believe the following:
…in one God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
…in one God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Matthew 3.16-17; John 14.9-10
- Genesis 1.1; Acts 17.24-28
- John 16.5-15
- John 3.16; Matthew 1.18; John 20.24-31
- Acts 20.28; 1 Timothy 3.1-7; 1 Peter 5.1-4
- Romans 15.4; Hebrews 4.12; 2 Timothy 3.16
- Acts 4.12; Romans 3.23; 1 John 1.7
- Matthew 26.28; Romans 5.8-11; Ephesians 2.8-9
- Matthew 16.13-18; Acts 2.14-47
- Romans 8.10-11; Daniel 12.2; John 6.47
- Luke 24.45-47; Acts 2.38; Romans 6.1-7; 2 Peter 3.9
- Genesis 2.24; Matthew 19.6; Genesis 1.28, 9.7
We recognize that without a vision and a mission we will be ineffective in our obedience to Christ. As such we recognize our vision and mission in the following ways:
Our Purpose: We Exist to Love God and Love People.
Our Mission: To Help People Become More Like Jesus Every Day.
Our Strategy: Love God (We Assemble for Praise, Study & Prayer)
Love People (We Meet Together to Share Grace & Practice Community)
Serve Others (We Equip One Another to Commit Acts of Service Inside and Outside the Church Family) Share Jesus (We Share Our Story/Testimony)
Make Disciples Who Make Disciples (We Teach Others to Be Committed Followers of Jesus Who Will Teach Others to Do the Same)
Our Purpose: We Exist to Love God and Love People.
Our Mission: To Help People Become More Like Jesus Every Day.
Our Strategy: Love God (We Assemble for Praise, Study & Prayer)
Love People (We Meet Together to Share Grace & Practice Community)
Serve Others (We Equip One Another to Commit Acts of Service Inside and Outside the Church Family) Share Jesus (We Share Our Story/Testimony)
Make Disciples Who Make Disciples (We Teach Others to Be Committed Followers of Jesus Who Will Teach Others to Do the Same)